
Content of the chapter: License management and costs

Under License you get an overview of your subscription in Eliona, as well as the running costs. For the cost calculation in Eliona the consumption of resources is measured in infravolts. Each element has its cost in infravolts.

In the colored tiles, your credit of infravolts is compared with the effective number of infravolts used. This results in the amount of free infravolts still available.

  1. Subscribed packages: Here you can see how many infravolts your subscription includes. If needed, you can extend the subscription and get a new license key. To deposit the new license key, click Update License Key and select the license key file to upload.

  2. Infravolt usage: Distributed across the various elements in Eliona, see here where the effective costs are generated.

  3. Distribution of assets: Each asset type used generates a cost that is also measured in infravolts. This table calculates the total cost per asset type.

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