Microsoft ADFS

Content of the chapter: Configuration of Microsoft ADFS

The Microsoft ADFS (Active Directory Federation Services) service is a software for logging in to various services using "single sign-on". This means that you have the possibility to log in to Eliona with your Microsoft account or to access Eliona directly after Windows login without entering your credentials.

Microsfoft ADFS Settings

To integrate Microsoft ADFS as an app in Eliona, you need to register a new app in your Azure account with the URL of your Eliona system. After registering the app, you will receive all the necessary data to configure ADFS in Eliona:

Azure App-Registration


  1. MS Log-in: Click "Active" to activate the log-in button "via Microsoft:

  1. Metadata URL: Enter the Metadata URL from your Microsoft Azure account. You can find this in the app registration under Endpoints:

Microsoft Azure Endpoints
  1. Own URL: enter the own URL of your Eliona system (e.g.

  2. Private Key: Enter the private key. The key in PEM format must match your certificate (In Azure under Certificates & secretsCertificate):

Microsoft Azure Certificate
  1. Certificate: can be a self-generated certificate.

Last updated