How the “Wayfinding” works

The “Wayfinding” has been created to help you quickly find the desired destination point in the building.

Sequence of actions

1. Find QR code

When you enter the building, look for the "QR" code. It is usually pasted on the wall. QR code will lead you to wayfinding with the start point of your actual position in the building.

2. Scan QR code

2.1 Open camera

Open camera on your smartphone.

2.2 Scan QR code

Point the camera at the QR code and open it in a browser.

3. Start screen

3.1 Overview start screen

On the opened link you will see the start screen of the wayfinding in the opened link.

3.2 Building floors

You can overview all the building floors in the top panel.

3.3 Frequently searched destinations

Check and select one of the most frequently searched destination points.

3.4 All destinations

Open and check all destination points.

Search the desired destination point by keywords.

4. Start the route

4.1 Search by the keyword

After you tap the search field you can start typing the name of target destination. The search result will appear below.

4.2 Select the target destination

When you found target destination you can tap it.

5.1 Overview route

Once you click the desired point, you can overview the route.

5.2 Switch route between stairs and elevator

If the rout requires transition between floors, the wayfinding will suggest 2 ways to go: with the help of the elevator or stairs. You can switch between them with toggle element.

5.3 Start the route

Once you are ready to go, tap “Let’s go” button.

6. Passing the route

6.1 The route

Once you click “Let’s go” button, your rout will start.
If you want to cancel the route you can tap “Cancel” button.
You can always reroute your way through stairs or elevator.
The route is divided into pieces. You can click the right arrow to move to the next piece of the route or the left arrow to move to the previous piece.

6.2 Switch to the next floor

Once you get to the stairs or the elevator, you will see the appropriate message in the blue navigation block.
When you get to the necessary floor, tap the right arrow to open the next floor plan and continue following your route.

7. Finishing the route

7.1 Finish the route

Once you get to your destination point, you will see the appropriate message in the blue navigation block.
When you are ready to finish the route, tap “Finish” button.

7.2 Confirm finish

After tapping “Finish” button you need to confirm that in order to avoid accidental tap.

7.3 End

After tapping “Finish” button again you will be redirected to the wayfinding start screen where your latest destination point is specified as the start point.

We wish you a nice route! 😃

Last updated