Xovis People Counter

How to configure Xovis People Counter

Xovis offers sensors for reliable people counting. Data from the sensors can be integrated into Eliona and linked to assets. Set up your Xovis devices in Settings > Apps > Xovis People Counter:


  • Host: Enter the network hostname of the device.

  • MAC Address: Permanent hardware address of the device (printed on a tag on bottom of the device).

  • Timeout: Set the time of the HTTP request timeout.

  • Interval: Select a request interval for polling the data from device.

  • Password: Enter the password.

  • Reset Time: Select the time at which the counter will be set back to 0.

  • Asset: Select the corresponding Eliona asset of the device.

  • Certificate Check: For accessing devices without a signed certificate (i.e. locally in the network), uncheck this field. If the device is accessed over the Internet, the certificate should be checked to avoid MITM attacks.

  • API Version 5: Keep unchecked only for old firmware (v3 and v4). For all new installations, v5 should be used.

  • Admin: Select the user type.

  • Description: Enter a description of the device.

  • Port: Enter the port of the device.

  • Stream: Allow receiving push updates from the device.


The Xovis people counters allow configuring multiple counters per device (lines and areas). The counters are set up in the Xovis configuration (on the device itself) and then automatically passed to Eliona. In Eliona, the counters and corresponding asset types are created automatically.

Last updated