
Chapter content: Management of different roles and their rights.

Eliona project users have different roles and rights in the project. These roles are created and configured by the owner and administrators. Users need a role associated with the project to access on it.

Standard roles

Three roles are predefined in Eliona:

  • System Owner: The System Owner has no restrictions and is the only one who can create projects.

  • System Admin: System Admin has in almost no restrictions. They can edit everything except the system and audit log and create system roles.

  • System User: System User does not have read or edit rights on any feature.

Roles overview

Roles overview
  1. Search role: Click to search for system or project roles.

  2. Create System Role: Click to create a new system role.

  3. Create Project Role: Click to create a new project role.

  4. Project Roles: Here you will find a list of all created project roles. A user can have only one project role in a project. However, project roles can be used in all projects. The rights in the project role apply only to the corresponding project.

  5. Configure project role: In the list, the project roles are listed line by line. In the row "Names" the names of the project roles are listed. In the row "Projects" you can see all projects where this role is used. With you can remove the project role. Press to copy the project role. With you can configure the rights of the project role.

  6. System Roles: Here you can find a list of all created system roles. A user can have only one system role in an Eliona system. The system role determines the rights for system-wide features (engineering, settings, etc.).

  7. Configure System Roles: In the list, the system roles are listed line by line. The names of the system roles are listed in the "Names" row. With you can remove the system role. Press to copy the system role. With you can configure the rights of the system role.

Configuration of Project Roles

Project Roles
  1. Remove role: Click to remove the role.

  2. Save Changes: Click to save the changes.

  3. Details: Enter the name and location for the role. When "Expert Mode" is active, the user is shown entities with assets that the user does not have access to. This is useful for project administrators.

  4. Projects: List of projects that use this role.

  5. Asset Tag Permissions: Configure read access (eye icon) and edit access (pen icon) of assets with this tag. Add existing asset tags to the role by clicking .

  6. Edit rights for features (ACL): Here you can assign edit rights (pen icon) and read access (eye icon) for all features of Eliona to the role using ACL (Access Control List).

Configuration of System Roles

System Roles
  1. Remove role: Click to remove the role.

  2. Save Changes: Click to save the changes.

  3. Details: Enter the name for the role. Check if you want to allow other administrators to assign users to this role.

  4. Edit rights for features (ACL): Here you can assign edit rights (pen icon) and read access (eye icon) for all features of Eliona to the role using ACL (Access Control List).

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