Niagara Module
The Eliona module was developed to connect Niagara to Eliona. This enables interaction and data exchange between Niagara and Eliona in both directions.
The module can send values from Niagara data points of the types BooleanPoint
, BooleanWritable
, NumericPoint
, NumericWritable
, EnumPoint
, EnumWritable
, StringPoint
and StringWritable
to Eliona assets. The value of the Out
slot and its status are transmitted to Eliona. Also alarms can also be sent directly to Eliona. If desired, the module automatically creates and references assets in Eliona with their corresponding asset types.
The module can receive data from Eliona and write it directly into Niagara data points of the mentioned types. All available slots can be addressed. Alarms can be acknowledged from Eliona using to enable a synchronized display on the alarm console.
Communication between Niagara and Eliona utilizes the Eliona REST API and WebSockets provided by Eliona, with data transmitted in JSON format. All communication is encrypted via HTTPS.
Quick Start Guide
Access to an Eliona Instance (username and password)
Credentials for Eliona API (URL and token with read-write permission)
Access to Niagara station (see Compatibility)
To install the Eliona module, copy eliona-rt.jar
and eliona-wb.jar
into the modules
folder of your local Niagara installation or use the Software Manager under Platform to install the module. Complete the installation by restarting the Workplace. Now you can use components in the Eliona palette.
Open the Niagara Workbench and select the Eliona palette.
Create an Eliona Network with an Eliona Device by dragging them from the palette and drop them under the Configuration > Drivers in the station.
Open the Eliona Device and configure the Eliona API with URL and token. Specify the Eliona project ID you wish to connect to.
After configuring the status of the device should be
. If so, save the station.
Displaying Status Information in Eliona
Once configured, the module creates a Niagara Station Asset, which automatically gets technical information every 5 minutes by default.
This asset also monitors the station's status as a live signal:
The station is functioning normally andInactive
triggered after 10 minutes of inactivity. This status can be handled by alarming using Validity Monitoring.
Send data to Eliona
Select the Niagara data point you want to synchronize with Eliona and add an Eliona extension ( e.g.
) by dragging and dropping from the Eliona palette. Open the Extension and enable it.
Once enabled, the extension automatically creates an asset in Niagara and in Eliona. Open the Asset Mapping in the extension and click on the Asset link. This navigates to the asset created in Niagara.
In the Niagara asset you will find all information about the asset and the Asset ID of the created Eliona asset. You can use the Asset Hyperlink to open the asset in Eliona.
When you open the Eliona asset, the current value of the data point is assigned to the Current Value attribute in Eliona. From that time, each change in the data point will be sent to this attribute. You can monitor this by checking the Last Synchronized timestamp in the Niagara asset view.
Receive data from Eliona
After creating and mapping the assets in Niagara and Eliona you can send values from Eliona to Niagara data point. For this add a new value to the Setpoint attribute.
The value will be sent to the
slot in Niagara using the Set action by default.
Send alarms to Eliona
To synchronize alarms, first route the desired alarm classes. To do this, add the Eliona Recipient to the Alarm Service by dragging and dropping it from the Eliona palette.
Now link the alarm class to the Route Alarm slot.
Once linked, all alarms for the specified alarm class are sent to Eliona. You can test this by dragging a Niagara alarm extension (e.g.,
) from the alarm palette and placing it under the Niagara data point you want to monitor.
Configure the extension, and when the first alarm is triggered, the Eliona Recipient creates an Asset Mapping similar to the one above under the alarm extension. If the asset does not exist, it will be automatically created in both Niagara and Eliona.
Now the alarm can also be found in Eliona. Acknowledging the alarm can be done in either Eliona or Niagara, and the status is synchronized between them.
Asset overview
All assets mapped to Eliona can be found in the Assets component of the Eliona Device.
Here, you can monitor all asset information, re-map assets, and re-synchronize either all assets or individual assets with Eliona as needed.
Customize mapping
You can control the mapping between Niagara and Eliona by setting the Global Asset ID in the Asset Mapping. By default, this is set to the path of the parent Niagara data point. If you override the Global Asset ID, a corresponding asset will be used or created.
In the asset created within Niagara, you can specify the Asset Type to be used in Eliona. If you use a custom asset type, ensure that this asset type exists in Eliona.
In each asset mapping, you can define attribute names for sending and receiving values to and from Eliona. These attribute names must be defined in the asset type you specified. This setup allows multiple data points in Niagara to be synchronized with the attributes of a single asset in Eliona.
For receiving data, you can also specify the write slot within the asset mapping.
Components Overview
Eliona Network
The Eliona Network is the root component that groups all Eliona Devices within a Niagara station.
Eliona Device
Each Eliona Device connects an Eliona instance and a specific project within that instance. This device shares its Eliona connection with all underlying components, such as the Eliona Sender, Eliona Receiver, Eliona Assets container and Eliona Alarm Acknowledger. The Eliona Device is also referenced by the Eliona Recipient.
Eliona Sender
The Eliona Sender is responsible for transmitting values from Niagara data points to Eliona. It is a child of the Eliona Device and uses the associated Eliona instance and project. The sender can be configured with a value buffer to handle scenarios where the connection to Eliona is temporarily unavailable.
Eliona Receiver
The Eliona Receiver receives values from Eliona and writes it to Niagara data points. It is a child of the Eliona Device and uses the same Eliona instance and project. The receiver allows for configuring the write slot of the data point and specifies the Niagara username for the operation.
Eliona Assets
The Eliona Assets container groups and synchronizes assets with Eliona. It is a child of the Eliona Device, utilizing the connected Eliona instance and project. This container can automatically create or update assets in Eliona during synchronization. It also organizes all asset components that correspond to real assets in Eliona.
Eliona Asset
An Eliona Asset component represents an individual asset in Eliona. This component is a child of the Eliona Assets container and includes a unique Global Asset ID. During synchronization, this Global Asset ID and the Eliona project (from the parent Eliona Device) determine the Asset ID in Eliona, which is then stored in the asset component. Attributes like asset type, name and description are synchronized as well. If automatic creation or update is enabled in the Eliona Assets container, assets will be created or updated in Eliona; otherwise, the component will reference an existing asset by its ID.
Eliona Extension
The Eliona Extension monitors changes in Niagara data point values and triggers data transmission to Eliona through the Eliona Sender. This extension is attached to a Niagara data point. and it references an Eliona Device and leverages the connected Eliona instance and project.
Eliona Asset Mapping
The Eliona Asset Mapping establishes a link between Niagara data points and attributes of an asset in Eliona. It is a child of either an Eliona Extension or an Alarm Extension in Niagara, which themselves are attached to Niagara data points. The mapping defines a Global Asset ID, enabling it to reference and create the corresponding Eliona Asset component in Niagara. This component, in turn, links to the real asset in Eliona by storing the asset ID after synchronization.
Eliona Alarm Acknowledger
The Eliona Alarm Acknowledger receives alarm acknowledgments from Eliona and acknowledges the corresponding alarms in Niagara. It is a child of the Eliona Device and uses the connected Eliona instance and project. The acknowledger allows for configuring the Niagara username for the acknowledge operation.
Eliona Recipient
The Eliona Recipient routes alarms from Alarm classes in Niagara to Eliona. It references an Eliona Device and leverages the connected Eliona instance and project. The recipient can be configured with an alarm buffer to handle scenarios where the connection to Eliona is temporarily unavailable.
Components Configuration
Eliona Network
You can add the Eliona Network as a child of the Drivers container in a Niagara station. This can be done by dragging it from the Eliona Palette or by opening the Driver Manager and clicking the New button. Note that only one Eliona Network is permitted per station.
Eliona Device
The Eliona Device can be added as a child of the Eliona Network. You can add it by dragging it from the Eliona Palette. Multiple Eliona Devices can be created to represent different Eliona instances or projects.
Activates or deactivates the Eliona Device
URL for connecting to the Eliona APIv2 instance
APIv2 Token
Authorization token for accessing the Eliona APIv2
Project ID
Project ID used for asset mapping and creation
Connection Timeout
Maximum time in seconds before a connection attempt times out
Activates or deactivates the Eliona Device. When enabled, all associated components (e.g., Sender, Receiver) are operational.
Specifies the URL of the Eliona APIv2 instance to connect to (e.g.,
). This should be provided by your Eliona administrator.
APIv2 Token
The authorization token required to access the Eliona APIv2. Ensure this token has both read and write permissions as needed. This should be provided by your Eliona administrator.
Project ID
Defines the Eliona Project ID used for referencing assets. This ID must match the project configuration in Eliona.
Connection Timeout
Sets the maximum duration in seconds for a connection attempt to Eliona. If the network latency is high, consider increasing this timeout. A typical value is around 5 seconds.
Eliona Sender
The Eliona Sender is automatically created as a child of the Eliona Device.
Activates or deactivates data transmission
Value Buffer Size
Sets the maximum size of the message buffer
Circular Buffer
Determines buffer behavior when full
Buffer Database Connection
Configures external database connection for buffering
Last Send
Timestamp of the last successful data transmission
Send Variables Count
Number of data points currently being sent to Eliona
Forecast Messages Per Hour
Estimated number of messages sent per hour
Forecast Bytes Per Message
Average size of each message in bytes
Value Buffer Used
Current number of messages in the buffer
Update Forecast
Manually updates forecast statistics
Clear Value Buffer
Clears all messages in the buffer
Activates or deactivates the Eliona Sender. When enabled, data is transmitted to Eliona; when disabled, transmission stops.
Value Buffer Size
Specifies the maximum number of messages the buffer can hold. Use Forecast Messages Per Hour and Forecast Bytes Per Message to estimate the ideal buffer size based on expected data volume.
Circular Buffer
Determines how the buffer handles new messages when it reaches capacity:
Enabled: Overwrites the oldest messages with new ones when the buffer is full.
Disabled: Stops accepting new messages once the buffer is full.
Buffer Database Connection
Allows the use of an external H2 database for buffering. If left blank, an internal memory buffer is used by default.
Embedded Buffer Mode: Uses a database file managed by the driver ( e.g.,
). Only the local shared directory is writable in Niagara.Server Buffer Mode: Connects to a server-managed H2 database ( e.g.,
Last Send (Info)
Displays the timestamp of the most recent successful data transmission, useful for monitoring activity.
Send Variables Count (Info)
Shows the current number of unique data points being transmitted to Eliona.
Forecast Messages Per Hour (Info)
Estimates the number of messages sent per hour based on current activity. This value updates every 10 seconds.
Forecast Bytes Per Message (Info)
Displays the average size of each message in bytes, updated every 10 seconds.
Value Buffer Used (Info)
Indicates the current number of messages stored in the buffer.
Update Forecast (Action)
Manually refreshes forecast statistics. These statistics are automatically updated every 10 seconds.
Clear Value Buffer (Action)
Clears all messages currently stored in the buffer.
Eliona Receiver
The Eliona Receiver is automatically created as a child of the Eliona Device.
Activates or deactivates the Receiver
Niagara user account used for writing data
Default Write Slot
Target slot for writing if no priority is specified
Delay Reset to Null
Resets value to null after specified seconds
Last Received
Timestamp of the last received message
Last Message Received
Details of the last message received
Activates or deactivates the Eliona Receiver. When enabled, data received from Eliona is written into specified Niagara data points.
Specifies the Niagara user account used for writing values into data points. If not specified in the incoming message, this default user is used. The user must have permissions to execute actions or write to slots. Ensure the username is valid and has the necessary permissions.
Default Write Slot
Defines the slot in the target data point where the received value is written if no priority is specified. This can also be an action slot, which will trigger the action with the value as an argument.
Delay Reset to Null
Specifies the number of seconds after which the written value resets to null. If set to a value greater than zero, the value resets after the specified delay.
Last Received (Info)
Displays the timestamp of the last successful data reception from Eliona.
Last Message Received (Info)
Shows the last message received from Eliona. This is primarily for debugging purposes and is hidden by default.
Eliona Assets
The Eliona Assets container is automatically created as a child of the Eliona Device. It holds all Eliona Asset components.
Upsert Enabled
Activates automatic creation and updating of assets in Eliona
Auto Save
Automatically saves the station after assets are changed
Default Global Asset ID
Sets a default pattern for the Global Asset ID
Default Asset Name
Sets a default pattern for asset names
Default Asset Description
Sets a default pattern for asset descriptions
Default Send Attribute
Sets the default attribute for sending data to Eliona
Default Status Attribute
Sets the default status attribute for assets
Default Receive Attribute
Sets the default attribute for receiving data from Eliona
Default Alarm Attribute
Sets the default attribute for alarms
Initiates synchronization of assets with Eliona
Upsert Enabled
Enables or disables the upsert functionality (update or insert) for assets in Eliona.
Enabled: Assets are automatically updated if they exist or inserted if new during synchronization.
Disabled: Assets are only referenced if they exist in Eliona; they are not created or updated.
Auto Save
Automatically saves the station when assets in the Eliona Assets container are created or modified.
Default Global Asset ID
Defines the pattern for the default Global Asset ID, used to uniquely reference assets in Eliona. Typically reflects the asset's parent slot path.
Default Asset Name
Specifies the pattern for the default asset name in Eliona, often using the parent's name.
Default Asset Description
Sets the pattern for the default asset description, possibly including the type and display name of the parent component.
Default Send Attribute
Sets the default attribute used for sending data to Eliona. Default is
Default Status Attribute
Defines the default attribute for reporting the asset's status. Default is
Default Receive Attribute
Sets the default attribute for receiving data from Eliona. Default is
Default Alarm Attribute
Specifies the default attribute for alarm data. Default is
Synchronize (Action)
Triggers synchronization of all assets with Eliona. If upsert is enabled, assets are created or updated automatically. Otherwise, assets are only referenced if they exist in Eliona based on the Project ID and Global Asset ID.
Eliona Asset
An Eliona Asset component is automatically created when an Eliona Asset Mapping component is established. The Global Asset ID serves as a unique identifier.
Asset Type
Defines the type of the asset in Eliona
Global Asset ID
Unique global identifier for referencing and synchronizing
Asset Name
Name of the asset in Eliona
Asset Description
Description of the asset in Eliona
Asset ID
Referenced Asset ID in Eliona
Alarm Rule ID
Identifier for the associated alarm rule in Eliona
Last Alarmed
Timestamp of the last triggered alarm
Asset Hyperlink Ord
Link to the asset in the Eliona frontend for easy navigation
Last Sync
Timestamp of the last synchronization with Eliona
Manually triggers synchronization with Eliona
Asset Type
Defines the asset type in Eliona when synchronizing.
Global Asset ID (Info)
Unique identifier combining the Global Asset ID and Project ID from the Eliona Device. Used for synchronization.
Asset Name (Info)
Name of the asset in Eliona. This is synchronized during updates.
Asset Description (Info)
Description of the asset in Eliona, synchronized during updates.
Asset ID (Info)
Reference to the Asset ID in Eliona, based on the Project ID and Global Asset ID.
Alarm Rule ID (Info)
Identifier for the associated alarm rule in Eliona.
Last Alarmed (Info)
Timestamp of the last triggered alarm for the asset.
Asset Hyperlink Ord (Info)
Provides a direct link to the asset in the Eliona frontend.
Last Sync (Info)
Indicates when the asset was last synchronized with Eliona.
Synchronize (Action)
Manually triggers synchronization of the asset's data with Eliona.
Eliona Asset Mapping
An Eliona Asset Mapping component is created as a child of Niagara data point extensions (either Eliona Extension or Alarm Extension). It maps to an Eliona Asset using the Global Asset ID.
Global Asset ID
Unique identifier for the asset in Eliona
Asset Ord
Reference to the asset in Niagara
Map Asset
Initiates mapping of the asset
Synchronizes the asset mapping with Eliona
Global Asset ID
Unique identifier ensuring consistent identification across Niagara and Eliona.
Asset Ord (Info)
Reference to the asset within Niagara.
Map Asset (Action)
Initiates the mapping process for the asset.
Synchronize (Action)
Triggers synchronization of the asset mapping with Eliona.
Eliona Value Asset Mapping
The Eliona Value Asset Mapping component is automatically created as a child of the Eliona Extension.
Send Subtype
Subtype for sending values (e.g., "input"
Send Attribute
Attribute used when sending data to Eliona
Status Attribute
Attribute representing the asset's status
Receive Attribute
Attribute for receiving data from Eliona
Write Slot
Slot where received data is written
Send Subtype
Specifies the subtype for value data when sending to Eliona. Default is
Send Attribute
Attribute used for sending data to Eliona. To exclude from being sent, set the attribute name to empty.
Status Attribute
Attribute representing the asset's status in Eliona. To exclude from being sent, set the attribute name to empty.
Receive Attribute
Attribute for receiving data from Eliona. To exclude from being read, set the attribute name to empty.
Write Slot
Defines the slot in Niagara where data from Eliona is written.
Eliona Alarm Asset Mapping
The Eliona Alarm Asset Mapping component is created as a child of the Alarm Extension when the first alarm is triggered for the parent data point.
Alarm Subtype
Subtype for alarm data (e.g., "input"
Alarm Attribute
Attribute used when transmitting alarm data
Recipient Ord
Reference to the alarm recipient in Niagara
Alarm Subtype
Subtype for alarm data. Default is
Alarm Attribute
Attribute used for transmitting alarm data to Eliona. To exclude from being sent, set the attribute name to empty.
Recipient Ord (Info)
Reference to the alarm recipient in Niagara.
Eliona Station Asset Mapping
The Eliona Station Asset Mapping component is created as a child of the Eliona Device when it is created.
Different Attribute
Attributes used when sending the station's status.
Define the attribute names to be used when sending status to Eliona. To exclude specific information from being sent, set the attribute name to empty.
Eliona Alarm Acknowledger
The Eliona Alarm Acknowledger is automatically created as a child of the Eliona Device.
Activates or deactivates the Acknowledger
Ack Alarm From Same Source
Acknowledges all alarms from the same source
Niagara user account for acknowledgments
Last Alarm Acked
Details of the last acknowledged alarm
Last Alarm Acked Time
Timestamp of the last successful acknowledgment
Last Alarm Acked Failure Time
Timestamp of the last failed acknowledgment
Last Alarm Acked Failure Cause
Error message for the last failed acknowledgment
Total Alarms Acked Today
Number of alarms acknowledged today
Total Alarms Acked Failures
Number of failed acknowledgments today
Total Messages Received Today
Number of acknowledgment messages received today
Last Alarm Ack Note
Note associated with the last acknowledgment
Activates or deactivates the Alarm Acknowledger.
Ack Alarm From Same Source
If enabled, acknowledges all alarms originating from the same source.
Specifies the Niagara user account used for acknowledging alarms. The user must have the necessary permissions.
Last Alarm Acked (Info)
Details of the last successfully acknowledged alarm.
Last Alarm Acked Time (Info)
Timestamp of the last successful acknowledgment.
Last Alarm Acked Failure Time (Info)
Timestamp of the last failed acknowledgment attempt.
Last Alarm Acked Failure Cause (Info)
Error message explaining the cause of the last failed acknowledgment.
Total Alarms Acked Today (Info)
Number of alarms acknowledged today.
Total Alarms Acked Failures (Info)
Number of failed acknowledgment attempts today.
Total Messages Received Today (Info)
Number of acknowledgment messages received from Eliona today.
Last Alarm Ack Note (Info)
Any note associated with the last alarm acknowledgment.
Eliona Extension
The Eliona Extension can be added as a child of a Niagara data point by dragging it from the Eliona Palette. Multiple extensions can be created for a single data point.
Activates the extension for data transmission
Last Send
Timestamp of the last successful data transmission
The extension transmits the out
slot value and status. For components without an out
slot, use a ControlPoint, link the value, and apply an Eliona Extension to transmit data.
Activates or deactivates the extension.
Last Send (Info)
Displays the timestamp of the last successful data transmission.
Eliona Interval Extension
Interval for transmitting data (Interval Extension)
Defines the interval at which the parent variable's value is sent to Eliona.
Eliona COV Extension
Change Tolerance
Minimum change to trigger transmission (COV Extension)
Change Tolerance
Specifies the minimum change required in the parent variable's value to trigger data transmission. If set to
, every change triggers a transmission.
Eliona Recipient
The Eliona Recipient can be added as a child of the Niagara Alarm Service. It must be connected to an Alarm Class to route alarms for that class.
Time Range
Time range during which alarms are forwarded
Days Of Week
Days of the week when alarms are forwarded
Alarm transitions that are forwarded
Route Acks
Specifies if alarm acknowledgments are forwarded
Alarm Buffer Size
Sets the size of the message buffer
Circular Buffer
Determines buffer behavior when full
Buffer Database Connection
Configures external database connection for buffering
Forecast Alarms Per Hour
Estimated number of alarms sent per hour
Forecast Bytes Per Alarm
Average size of each alarm message in bytes
Alarm Buffer Used
Current number of alarms in the buffer
Last Send
Timestamp of the last successful data transmission
Update Forecast
Manually updates forecast statistics
Clear Alarm Buffer
Clears all alarms in the buffer
Time Range
Defines the time period during which alarms are forwarded to Eliona.
Days Of Week
Specifies the days on which alarms are forwarded.
Determines which alarm transitions (e.g., activation, acknowledgment) are forwarded to Eliona.
Route Acks
Specifies whether alarm acknowledgments in Niagara are forwarded to Eliona.
Alarm Buffer Size
Specifies the maximum number of alarms the buffer can hold.
Circular Buffer
Determines how the buffer handles new alarms when full:
Enabled: Overwrites oldest alarms with new ones.
Disabled: Stops accepting new alarms when full.
Buffer Database Connection
Allows the use of an external H2 database for buffering. If left blank, an internal memory buffer is used.
Embedded Buffer Mode: Uses a database file managed by the driver.
Server Buffer Mode: Connects to a server-managed H2 database.
Forecast Alarms Per Hour (Info)
Estimates the number of alarms sent per hour, updated every 10 seconds.
Forecast Bytes Per Alarm (Info)
Displays the average size of each alarm message in bytes.
Alarm Buffer Used (Info)
Shows the current number of alarms stored in the buffer.
Last Send (Info)
Timestamp of the last successful data transmission.
Update Forecast (Action)
Manually refreshes forecast statistics.
Clear Alarm Buffer (Action)
Clears all alarms currently stored in the buffer.
Migration Guide
Starting with version 5.0, the Niagara Module has undergone significant changes in its operating principles. Communication with Eliona now directly uses the Eliona APIv2. Previously, communication was established via a TCP tunnel to a separate Niagara app within Eliona, which managed asset mapping and asset changes. Configuration in earlier versions involved defining listeners (for the TCP tunnel) and controllers (for asset mapping and attribute settings for values and alarms).
Communication Settings
In the new version, instead of using an IP address and port to create a TCP tunnel to the Niagara app connector, you need an APIv2 URL and token. These credentials should be provided by your Eliona administrator. The APIv2 credentials must be configured in the Eliona Device component within Niagara.
Asset Mapping
In earlier versions, asset mapping was defined within the Niagara app inside Eliona. The controller in the Niagara app settings contained a list of assets linked to Niagara data points via their handles (unique IDs of data points within a Niagara station). For each handle (data point), the asset ID and the attribute with subtype were specified. Additionally, the priority (name of the slot in Niagara) for output attributes that send data back to Niagara was defined.
The new version introduces a different approach for referencing assets and attributes. The Eliona Value Asset Mapping, defined within an Eliona Extension, specifies a Global Asset ID. This Global Asset ID, combined with the project ID from the Eliona Device, uniquely identifies an asset in Eliona. For each Global Asset ID, an Eliona Asset is created under the Eliona Assets container in Niagara. During asset synchronization, this Eliona Asset is paired with its corresponding asset in Eliona by setting the Asset ID in the Eliona Asset component.
The new Asset Mapping also defines the Attribute
settings and subtypes used when values are sent to or received from Eliona. If you need to specify a different write slot than the Default Write Slot
defined in the Eliona Receiver, you can use the Write Slot
setting in the Asset Mapping component.
You can assign the same Global Asset ID to multiple Asset Mappings with different attribute names. This allows you to define a single asset in Eliona that represents multiple data points from Niagara, each mapped to different attributes.
Alarm Mapping
In previous versions, alarm mapping was defined within the Niagara app inside Eliona. The controller in the Niagara app settings held a list of alarm rules and the full slot BOrd of the corresponding alarm extensions. This setup allowed the old version to send alarms and synchronize acknowledgments.
The new version adopts a different approach. The Eliona Alarm Asset Mapping, defined for each Alarm Extension, specifies a Global Asset ID. This Global Asset ID, together with the project ID from the Eliona Device, uniquely identifies the asset in Eliona. An alarm rule is then created for this asset in Eliona. The asset mapping also defines an attribute name that represents the alarm state: it is set to 0
when no alarm exists and 1
when the parent Niagara data point is in an alarm state.
Asset Import and Creation
In earlier versions, an Eliona Service component was provided. This component could export asset definitions from Niagara for each data point and import them into a controller in the Eliona app, thereby creating the assets and asset mappings for the selected controller.
The new version offers a more convenient and flexible way to automatically create assets and mappings. By enabling the Enable Upserts
setting in the Eliona Assets container, the Eliona module checks during synchronization whether an asset with the specified Global Asset ID and project ID exists in Eliona. If it does not exist, the asset is created and linked by setting the new Asset ID in the Eliona Asset component. Note that you need to define the asset type in the Eliona Asset component to create and update the asset in Eliona.
Last updated