Content of chapter: How to manage bookmarks
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Content of chapter: How to manage bookmarks
Last updated
As you already know from internet browsers, in Eliona you can add dashboards, alarms, tickets, rules, assets, analytics, reports, SmartAssists, BIMs and Digital Twin to your bookmarks. This way, you can access favorite features with just a few clicks. To access your saved bookmarks, click the bookmark icon in the header.
To organize your bookmark management, you can add folders and move the bookmarks to the different folders.
Search: Search for folders and bookmarks.
Edit: Change the name of the bookmark.
Add to the user: Add the bookmark to a user.
Remove: Remove the bookmark.
Open Bookmark: Click the arrow > to open the bookmark.
Enter the name.
Enter the URL.
Add new folder: Click to create a new folder.
Add URL: Click to create a URL bookmark.
Move folder or bookmark: Click and drag the folder or bookmark.
Bookmark Options: Click at a bookmark to open the following options.
Folder Options: Click to change the name of the folder or remove the folder.